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a space for nurturing and growth


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About me

Hello! I'm Janet Belberova, a master psychologist and gestalt consultant. I understand that life can be difficult at times. That's why I offer a safe and nurturing space for self-expression, acceptance, and support. I truly believe in human potential for growth and inner strength. Whether you're navigating through difficult times or seeking personal development, I am here to support you.
In my practice, I often encounter challenges such as anxiety, depression, internal conflicts, addictions, self-acceptance, boundary-setting, and coping with loss. Through my experience, I have seen that the biggest obstacle for many of us lies in our ingrained patterns of behavior, which can be tough to change even when they no longer serve us.
As we navigate through life, we create coping mechanisms that can both help us and hold us back. It's like wearing a coat in the summer because it kept you warm during a winter storm. Together, we will explore new ways of responding and behaving, empowering you to make choices and connect with your inner resources for greater self-understanding, acceptance, and positive change.
Beyond my work in therapy, I have extensive experience in management roles within large international companies. I also lead presentation and social skills training. This background allows me to understand the challenges people face in the workplace, such as burnout and interpersonal conflicts and gives me a broader range of tools to offer support and guidance.
I'm here to help, and I offer my services in both Bulgarian and English.

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