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My Approach

Empathy and respect and form the cornerstone of my approach to therapy. Together, we will create a nurturing environment for you to explore and understand your emotions, reactions, and bodily sensations. By focusing on the present moment, we may uncover associations with past events, relationships, and experiences that we can address together to help you release accumulated tensions, work through past traumas, express suppressed emotions, and integrate all parts of yourself.
Emotions are intrinsically linked to our consciousness, mind, and body, and our sessions will encompass all these elements. We will examine how your emotions manifest in your physical sensations and vice versa, laying the groundwork for establishing healthy personal boundaries.

Through exploration and the use of various techniques such as role-playing, dream analysis, creative expression, and exercises centered on bodily awareness, we will identify triggers, behavior patterns, or ingrained beliefs and develop alternative responses to challenging situations. We will explore alternatives for acceptance and different ways to react to situations. I will support you in taking important steps towards taking responsibility. Responsibility is the feeling that you can initiate change, it gives strength, empowers, and is the opposite of feeling like a victim. Through the lens of personal responsibility, we will consider different actions, feelings, and life choices with the aim of activating your personal potential, allowing you to overcome difficulties independently and be the most fulfilled version of yourself.

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