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Only some of the areas of work and examples are indicated, to get a feeling and an idea of what you can expect in the process.


Each person is different with their individuality, experience and needs, therefore the approach will be adapted to the person (and not the other way around - the person adapts to the approach) and may include different practices and will be co-created in the process of work.


Anxiety is a natural emotional response that everyone experiences at different times in their lives. It can manifest as a feeling of fear, nervousness, or tension and is often associated with stressful situations. Although anxiety can be useful in the short term as a defense mechanism, when it becomes chronic or too intense, it can cause significant problems in everyday life. 
Anxiety can evident itself through a variety of physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms:
Physical symptoms: - Rapid heartbeat; Sweating; Tremors or shaking; Difficulty breathing; Stomach problems, such as nausea or pain; Headache; Muscle tension. 
Emotional symptoms: - Constant feeling of nervousness or fear; Irritability; A sense of impending danger or disaster. 
Cognitive symptoms: - Concentration problems; Negative thoughts or fears that are difficult to control; Overthinking possible bad scenarios. 
Psychotherapy can help identify and integrate different aspects of life that may be causing anxiety. In the process of work, I will encourage you to focus on the present moment, to be aware and accept your experiences without judgment. Work may also involve addressing unresolved emotional situations or conflicts that may cause anxiety. I will support you in becoming aware of and resolving these situations, leading to a reduction in anxiety. I might encourage you to consider different roles to explore and express your feelings and reactions from various perspectives. As a result, it can help to understand and release internal conflicts and tensions. Being aware of the bodily sensations associated with anxiety can help you better understand the physical manifestations and explore and find different ways of regulating them.

Депресивни състояния
Depressive states

Depression affects millions of people around the world. They are characterized by long-lasting feelings of sadness, loss of interest in daily activities, and various physical and emotional symptoms. They can have a significant impact on people's quality of life and behaviour.

Depressive states can be manifested by various symptoms that vary in severity and duration:

Emotional symptoms : Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or despair; loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were usually enjoyable; feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or hopelessness; irritability or anger

Cognitive symptoms : Problems with concentration, memory and decision-making; negative thoughts and pessimism; thoughts of death or suicide

Physical symptoms : Fatigue and lack of energy; changes in appetite and weight (increase or decrease); sleep problems (insomnia or excessive sleeping); physical pains and ailments that do not respond to treatment


In the process, I may often encourage you to explore what is happening to you in real time, here and now, as an alternative to closing in on the past or worrying about the future. I will also encourage you to pay attention to the physical sensations and tensions in the body associated with the condition. This helps to become aware of emotional blockages and conflicts, their physical manifestations and find ways to release them.

The work may also include associations and exploration of past traumas, current stressors and negative thought patterns to arrive at an understanding of the causes of depression.

It can also involve addressing unfinished situations, such as expressing repressed feelings and resolving old conflicts.

In therapy I will also support you in taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions. This helps increase self-awareness and active participation in the recovery process.

Междуличностни взаймоотношения
Interpersonal relationships

Problems in interpersonal relationships can be extremely stressful and significantly impact people's quality of life. They can occur in various contexts, including family relationships, romantic relationships, friendships, and work relationships.
Therapy can be a helpful method to explore and resolve these issues.
Here are some of the most common problems in interpersonal relationships and how therapy can help.

Lack of Communication: Insufficient or ineffective communication is at the root of many relationship problems. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and feelings of alienation.
Conflicts and Arguments: Conflicts are an inevitable part of any relationship, but when they are frequent and unresolved, they can lead to destructive consequences.
Emotional distance: Lack of emotional intimacy and connectedness can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, even when people are physically close to each other.
Unhealthy Boundaries: Problems with personal boundaries can manifest as overdependence, control, or a lack of respect for individual needs and spaces.

Unmet needs and expectations: When the needs and expectations of one or both partners are not met, it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration.

Together we will explore your current relationships to identify areas of difficulty and develop strategies for improvement. This can include working on communication, empathy, and boundaries.
I will support you in developing more effective communication skills, which may include the ability to express your feelings and needs, as well as a focus on listening and understanding others.
Therapy helps recognize and establish healthy personal boundaries while respecting the boundaries of others. This may include the ability to say no and freely express your needs and desires.

We can also look at role plays to explore expression and reactions in different situations as well. This would aid awareness of relationship dynamics and the development of healthier patterns of interaction.
Being aware of bodily sensations during interactions with other people can contribute to recognizing hidden emotions and tensions that affect relationships.
I can encourage you to have an open and authentic dialogue with your partners, as well as accompany you in the awareness and completion of unfinished emotional situations in relationships, which will contribute to improving communication, releasing repressed feelings, and resolving conflicts.


Low self-esteem is a condition in which a person has a negative opinion of himself and his abilities. It can affect all aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, professional performance, health and quality of life.

The reasons for low self-esteem can be different. Negative experiences in childhood, such as criticism, neglect, or abuse, can affect the development of self-esteem. Often comparing yourself to others and feeling imperfect could also lead to low self-esteem. Setting high and unrealistic expectations for yourself and not being able to meet them often leads to feelings of failure. Negative feedback and rejection from others, including loved ones and colleagues, can also lower self-esteem.

As a result, one tends to focus on shortcomings and sometimes to an unconscious tendency to self-punish. To avoid new challenges and risks due to fear of failure. Having a need for constant validation and approval from others. Feeling uncomfortable and anxious in social situations.

Therapy can be a helpful method of dealing with low self-esteem by helping people build a healthier sense of themselves.

To identify negative thought patterns, I will encourage you to express your thoughts, feelings and sensations in the present moment.

As a result, in the work process one can reach the identification of those negative thought patterns and emotional blockages that support low self-esteem. The ability to recognize and change them is encouraged.

I will support you to notice and appreciate your strengths and achievements, encouraging self-acceptance and building a healthier self-esteem.

Using different roles to explore and express feelings and reactions in certain situations can help you become aware of relationship dynamics and develop interaction dynamics that are healthier for you.

I will also guide you in recognizing bodily sensations or tensions that may arise as a result of low self-esteem. The application of various relaxation techniques and breathing exercises can help release the tension and blockages associated with this condition.

Травматични преживявания
Traumatic experiences

Traumatic experiences involve intense and stressful events that exceed a person's normal ability to cope with them. They can be the result of physical or emotional abuse, natural disasters, serious accidents, loss of a loved one, war or other extreme situations.

Symptoms of traumatic experiences can be very different and often confused with other conditions. Nightmares, irritability, emotional numbness, frequent mood swings, outbursts of anger or hyperactivity, persistent feelings of fear, anxiety or sadness, avoidance of social situations, feelings of alienation may occur, as well as have physiological manifestations such as headaches, stomach aches, chronic pain.


Therapy can help you work through trauma and recover in a safe and secure environment.

I will support you in exploring inner thoughts and feelings related to the trauma and expressing them in a safe and supportive environment.

Providing support and empathy helps the person feel safe and accepted. This is of great importance to people who have experienced abuse or loss.

Through a supportive presence and empathy, I will assist in the recognition and understanding of defense mechanisms, such as dissociation or avoidance, that may be unconsciously used to cope with trauma. I will assist you in expanding your response options and finding healthy ways for you to cope with pain.

Work can also involve discovering and learning new resources to overcome future challenges, such as developing calming skills, strengthening social bonds, and exploring new interests and goals.

An outcome of the therapy process may be the construction of a new, healthier sense of self, integrating both the traumatic experiences and the positive aspects of the personality.


Psychosomatic problems are physical symptoms or illnesses that are caused or worsened by mental factors such as stress, anxiety, depression or other emotional conditions.

The physical symptoms are real, but very often they have no clearly established medical cause, making diagnosis and treatment difficult.

They are usually worsened by stress, anxiety, depression, or other more intense emotional states and can be chronic and resistant to standard medical treatment.

Symptoms most often include pain, gastrointestinal problems, skin diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory problems.

Stress is the main factor that can cause or worsen psychosomatic disorders. It increases the production of cortisol and other stress hormones that affect the immune system and metabolism. Stress can suppress the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infection and disease.

Psychosomatic problems usually respond well to therapy that expands support resources and can help recognize and work through the emotional causes of symptoms.

Supporting and encouraging the expression of emotions and feelings, the application of various relaxation techniques can significantly reduce stress levels and lead to relief of physical symptoms.

Work may involve directing attention to a particular bodily pain or discomfort and exploring what emotions or memories arise when focusing on that body part. For example, one may notice that chest tightness is associated with feelings of anxiety or fear.

Working to recognize and set healthy boundaries may also have a beneficial effect on alleviating physiological symptoms.

For people suffering from chronic fatigue (which is not explained by a physical illness or deficiency) it can be suggested to act out a situation in which they feel exhausted and thus express unspoken feelings and needs. For example, one can role-play a job where the person feels overwhelmed and learn to express their boundaries and needs to their coworkers and boss.

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